
ASME A17.1-2016

Important 2016 Updates to Safety Information Regarding Your Elevator Installation

One of the major changes in the ASME A17.1-2016 code, Section relates to the distance between the hoistway door or gates and the landing sill.

  • The distance between the hoistway door and the hoistway edge of the landing sill must not exceed 3/4 inch.
  • The gate must be less than 4” from the side of the landing door facing the hoistway.  To actually meet code, a 4” sphere placed anywhere in the space would keep the elevator door from closing.

This ASME 2016 update was implemented for the safety of all those who might use, ride on, or operate a home elevator.  Its primary function is to ensure there is not a space where a small child or pet could stand or become entrapped between the closed landing door and the elevator gate. Whether or not you have a small child or pet presently living in your home, a violation of this code could present a safety hazard to short-term guests (including children), current residents, and future residents of the home.

If your elevator was not installed in a jurisdiction that requires adherence to ASME 17.1-2016, we recommend that you schedule an inspection to ensure your elevator is as safe as possible. Residential Elevators would like to serve as one resource for you (and your handyman or contractor).  Eliminating the unsafe space between gate and door can be a fairly straightforward process and can often be completed with the purchase of a space guard or door baffle for each affected landing. In some cases, additional work by a handyman will likely be required to reset doors.

If we can be of assistance to you or if you have any questions, please contact your Customer Service Representative, at 800-832-2004, option 4, or so that we can schedule an inspection.

OUR Manufacturer representatives

Whether it’s a code compliance question or any other item regarding the safety of your home elevator, our manufacturer representatives are experts in this field. If you have any questions in regards to a home elevator, please contact us as we want to make sure you are getting the safest home elevator available. 

With Residential Elevators, you can expect a lifetime of safe, smooth and convenient operation from your home elevator.